Training details

Training name: INTEREST LIST - SOLIDWORKS Surface Modeling

Training material: SolidWorks

Language: English

Price: Estimated price: 998 € Excluding VAT (could be changed due to price changes)

Additional Information:

INTEREST LIST: We have not yet set a date for this SOLIDWORKS Surface Modeling training. Register on this Interest list and we will contact you as soon as we have decided on a date.
If you prefer the training at another location or in another language - please add that information to the comment in your registration.

Location: Online

Number of days: 2

Time Zone:

Training Dates & Time: 31/12/2024 00:00 - 30/06/2025 16:00

Goal for this course

To be able you to use SOLIDWORKS various surface tools to create the geometries needed in your design.

Topics that will be covered
  • Introduction to surfaces

  • Overview of surface modeling tools in SOLIDWORKS

  • Hybrid modeling (surfaces and solids)

  • Advanced loft

  • Advanced sweeps

  • Repair models using surface commands

  • In-depth study of the fillet functions

Experience required

You should have completed SOLIDWORKS Essentials training and SOLIDWORKS Advanced Part training. The course is designed for experienced software users. Do you have questions or concerns regarding prior knowledge? Contact us. We'll guide you to a solution that's best for you.

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